
I'd like to chime in into supporting this proposal.

Regarding the question on how much detailed the discussion should get, I'd say as detailed as it can get? What I feel is that in the big three pyogp meetings not everyone is on Tao's level (well, I am certainly not, though gaining ground), esp. regarding experiences with existing code bases. I hope this gets handled with point 3 and 4 of the list.

Well, 3 and 4 is in there because I also don't understand what exactly the message system needs to do ;-) So it's not necessarily the Python knowledge which is needed but the knowledge about the problem. And in order to discuss a good solution everybody who wants to participate in the discussion should understand the problem to some extent. Of course the message system is probably also the most complex thing because of all the encoding stuff etc. I guess when we come back to more straightforward webservices then it should be easier. (but then again there is this capabilities stuff which to many might be obfuscated web services. So we maybe need to work on some good explanation for this anyway as I guess every new project member will have a problem understanding this concept).

One thing that I'd like to discuss is some sort of peer programming, like 
having pairs of developers collaborating on specific problems. While I have no 
idea yet on how to handle that technically in an intercontinental way (some 
VNCserver looking-over-the-shoulder-approch we use here might raise security 
issues), I could imagine that this gives valuable output and esp. two people 
building up know-how on the same issue. This way someone could be off for a 
time and still there is someone else able to answer questions.

Yeah, some sort of sprint would be great. But as you said, the decentralization might be a problem. That's why I wanted all those Lindens (and others) to come to EuroPython in order to make some kickoff meeting in person.

And you maybe just propose some time when you want to come to Aachen (or I come over to Cologne) and we can make some sort of sprint.



Christian Scholz                          Homepage: http://comlounge.net
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