Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

Having looked at the FieldStorage code, I'm guessing the idea was that you parse fields as they come in and append them to a list. This preserves the original order of fields, in case it is needed.

I'm not sure that maintaining a dictionary alongside the list is the right thing to do. It might be, but there are some difficult questions to answer -e.g. how costly is a sequential search, and is the code complexity (and fieldstorage code is no picnic to read as it is) worth the speedup?

Also while it would speed up retrieval, it will slow down the "write" operation - when a field is added to fieldstorage you now need to append it to the list, AND check whether it exists in the dictionary, then add it there as well.

How often do developers access form fields via __getitem__? I noticed the publisher does not use it - it iterates the list, so nothing would be gained there.

We do it a lot but we copy it into a different dictionary first to get exactly the setup we want. But dictionary-style access is a very obvious, pythonic way to do it. I have a simple 70-line ordereddict implementation which is derived from dict and remembers the keys in the order that they were assigned when iterating through the list, this may be a way to go for this. It just uses a list of keys internally to remember the order, and otherwise is a dictionary...

Also, something else to consider - is there a simple programatic solution that could be documented, e.g. something like

my_fs = util.FieldStorage(req)

dict_fs = {}

[have no idea whether this will work :-)]

It may work but still has the potential performance problem since it loops through the keys and then does a getitem on each key which loops through them again. Not likely to cause problems for a small number of arguments but not ideal :-)

and voila - you've got a dictionary based fieldstorage?

Anyway, just a few cents from me.


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