Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
One proposal was to use an OrderedHashtable. As you can see, the reply
was quite definite :

"No. There is nothing in the spec that says that these parameters should be
 in any sort of order. CGI scripts that expect them to be in order are coded
 incorrectly IMHO."

Standing on a soap box preaching like that may work in the Java world, but we Python programmers have a more realistic view of the world. If we don't want to be crushed by a stampede of angry web developers, I guess we should, at least, provide the means to:
- Iterate through the arguments "as listed".
- Get multi-fields into an array in the order as listed.
- Provide fast, dictionary-like access.

Hey! this is Python. We can do all that, without losing anything. Let them poor Java folks preach about hell and doom, while we just get on with our lives and build something that meets everybody's expectations. How about we make the first call to get or __getitem__ create the dictionary? We could put code in __getattr__ to create it when it's referenced.

Patch is on its way...

Mike Looijmans
Philips Natlab / Topic Automation

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