Hmmm, go away for two days and a mail storm erupts. :-(

I may never be able to catch up and digest this mail thread, but I'll try and add a few comments of my own.

On 01/12/2005, at 8:41 AM, Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

c) We don't have a req.base_uri (to follow Jim's naming suggestion) or req.script_name that would be equivalent to req.subprocess_env.get("SCRIPT_NAME"), but we have a req.path_info... Why is this missing ?

Note that SCRIPT_NAME as obtainable from Apache appears to be broken. See:

Also note that with respect to req.uri and req.path_info, be aware that req.path_info is normalised and req.uri is not. Ie., the latter may have duplicated instances of '/' in it whereas that cannot occur in req.path_info. This makes it error prone to take the len() of req.path_info to work out how much to drop off req.uri to obtain the base uri or script name, you need to normalise req.uri first, but then the result will be missing the duplicates instances of '/' unless you use some more elaborate algorithm to work it out.


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