Petr Viktorin schrieb am 10.02.22 um 11:22:
So, should there be a mechanism to set source/lineno/position on tracebacks/exceptions, rather than always requiring a frame for it?

There's "_PyTraceback_Add()" currently, but it's incomplete in terms of what Cython would need.

As it stands, Cython could make use of a function that accepted

- string object arguments for filename and function name
- (optionally) a 'globals' dict (or a reference to the current module)
- (optionally) a 'locals' mapping
- (optionally) a code object
- a C integer source line
- a C integer position, probably start and end lines and columns

to add a traceback level to the current exception.

I'm not sure about the code object since that's a rather heavy thing, but given that Cython needs to create code objects in order for its functions to be introspectible, that seems like a worthwhile option to have.

However, with the recent frame stack refactoring and frame object now being lazily created, according to

I guess Cython should rather integrate with the new stack frame infrastructure in general. That shifts the requirements a bit.

An API function like the above would then still be helpful for the reduced API compile mode, I guess. But as soon as Cython uses InterpreterFrame structs internally, it would no longer be helpful for the fast mode.

InterpreterFrame object are based on byte code instructions again, which brings us back to co_positions.


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