At 01:19 PM 4/28/2006 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>It still looks like an application of WSGI, not part of a reference
>implementation. Multiple apps looks like an advanced topic to me; more
>something that the infrastructure (Apache server or whatever) ought to
>take care of.

I'm fine with a super-simple implementation that emphasizes the concept, 
not feature-richness.  A simple dict-based implementation showcases both 
the wsgiref function for path shifting, and the idea of composing an 
application out of mini-applications.  (The point is to demonstrate how 
people can compose WSGI applications *without* needing a framework.)

But I don't think that this demo should be a prefix mapper; people doing 
more sophisticated routing can use Paste or Routes.

If it's small enough, I'd say to add this mapper to wsgiref.util, or if 
Guido is strongly set against it being in the code, we should at least put 
it in the documentation as an example of how to use 'shift_path_info()' in 

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