On 10/26/2010 05:35 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

On Oct 26, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Ron Adam wrote:

I've worked on pydoc to make it much nicer to use in a browser.

While you're at it.  Can you please modernize the html
and create a style sheet?  Right now, all of formatting
is deeply intertwined with content generation.
Fixing that would be a *huge* improvement.

Half way there!  The server will read one if it exists.   ;-)

I'd really like to get this part in before 3.2 beta, and then I'll add a basic style sheet and update the html code to use it for 3.3.

The present patch fixes and updates all the functional parts and allows you to do every thing that you can do on the command line, but a LOT easier.

I think You, Nick. or one of the other Core developers could probably have this finished up in an afternoon if you really wanted. All the parts work. It's more about checking and adjusting the packaging at this point.


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