On 10-04-2024 17:50, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 10. 04. 24 17:30, Sandro wrote:
On 10-04-2024 12:04, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 09. 04. 24 19:30, Sandro wrote:
Therefore, I'm thinking of introducing pynose as a drop in replacement of deprecated nose. Pynose uses the same namespace as nose, but provides python3dist(pynose). Thus adding Provides: for nose would make it a drop-in replacement for packages currently depending on nose.

FTR We MUST NOT add RPM Provides for python3dist(nose) unless we package nose dist-info metadata.

Thanks for pointing that out. I was indeed experimenting with it.

Is there some documentation or example for packaging extra dist-info metadata?

Not really, because it is a hack that should not be done if it can be avoided.

You can see a working example in python-lark



Agreed. If we do add python3dist(nose) it needs to work not cause more issues. Most packages I've looked at recently have a BR for python3-nose. That's covered by adding "%py_provides python3-nose". But dependency resolution in %pyproject_buildrequires uses python3dist. If the package configuration has a dependency on nose declared, I would like that to be satisfiable, both in RPM and pip, by installing python3-pynose.

If that is too much hassle or simply (currently) not possible, a fallback to not providing nose at all, is also possible. In that case more packages might need to be patched and we need to educate people te replace dependencies on nose with pynose.

My preference at the moment is for the former.

If we are to retire python-nose at the same time, I'd do:

  - have python3-pynose %py_provides (and Obsolete) python3-nose
  - don't mess with dist metadata at all

That way:

  - packages that use upstream requirements will need to be updated
    (preferably upstream first => good)
 - packages that manually BuildRequire python3-nose will likely keep working

If the pynose package has a "nose" importable module, providing python3-nose even follows https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/Python/#_provides_for_importable_modules

Well, `pynose` provides `nose` as an importable module, which is installed into `%{python3_sitelib}/nose`. Since that conflicts with python3-nose, proper Provides and Obsoletes are required, indeed.

Thanks for the example, I used that to properly provide `nose`. Building against that package reduced the troublesome packages to one (two more are currently FTBFS in rawhide/F40) compared to 11+2[1] when using only `%py_provides python3-nose`.

I think that justifies carrying the "hack". Moreover, `nose` has been dead for a long time upstream, yet we still have packages depending on it. In a way the justification here doesn't differ very much from that of `lark`.

I agree that maintainers of packages still depending on `nose` should ask upstream to switch to `pynose` or some other testing framework. Yet, I wouldn't be surprised that exactly those packages are also un(der)maintained upstream.

While I ponder those thoughts some more, moving forward in either direction, the next step would be writing a change proposal?

[1] Some failures were unrelated to `nose` vs. `pynose` and have been fixed by having `pynose` require `setuptools`.

-- Sandro
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