Mike Owens wrote:
> On 12 Sep 2006 09:31:54 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > To use your specious analogy, it represents another way of doing
> > > things, which you admit yourself works. That's your justification for
> > > calling Richard Hipp a crackpot?
> >
> > What was Richard Hipp's justification for slandering the
> > writers of the SQL Language Specification?
> Slander? Richard wrote a free and open source relational database the
> way he wanted to, in a way that seems useful to him, and apparently
> thousands of other people. You are free to write your own open source
> relational database as well which has its own deviations from the
> standard. I say this because I'd love to see you write the worlds
> first SQL compliant database, and do it in under 30,000 lines of C,
> and make it portable across both operating systems and byte orders,
> capable of being run on cell phones and low power environments.

And when he was done, he made the ridiculous claim that
the SQL Language Specification of static typing was a bug.

> The only slander I see are in your ill-informed posts on this mailing
> lists which should really be directed to the SQLite list.

Why? I'm not requesting that dynamic typing be removed from
sqlite. I'm not even requesting that the slander in the sqlite docs
be removed. What I'm requesting is that these "features" of
sqlite be better presented in the Python docs, hence, no posting
to the sqlite list. Is that so hard to figure out?

> Apparently,
> you are too afraid to insult the SQLite community to its face, and
> seek refuge on the Python list.

I'm sure the sqlite community could care less about what appears
in the Python documentation.

> > > > > It's clear. You're just way too smart for SQLite.
> > > >
> > > > Did you see my solution to Rick Shepard's problem in the
> > > > thread "Parsing String, Dictionary Lookups, Writing to
> > > > Database Table"?
> > >
> > > The point being? -- you can write Python code and feel entitled to
> > > condescending and rude?
> >
> > Is there anything more rude than describling the SQL Language
> > Specification as a bug that needs to be fixed?
> Yes, namely calling respectable people (who selflessly write free and
> open source software in their spare time) crackpots. Also, not lifting
> a finger to seek help or effect change, but taking every effort to
> insult. And finally, there is entertaining the notion that people live
> to serve your needs. Yes, there are things that are clearly more rude.

So you admit that Richard Hipp's characterization of SQL was
rude. And now that we've established what you are, we're just
haggling over price.


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