Terry Reedy wrote:
On 7/1/2010 6:42 PM, Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 7/1/2010 2:52 PM Jay said...

pywinauto looks to be almost perfect. All I need now is to read the
numbers uncovered when a minesweeper square is clicked on, or that I
just hit a mine.

... or, you could always win...


Did you actually try it? Though skeptical, I did, briefly, until I decided that it probably should have been dated April 1. There is no way to enter text into minesweeper, nor to make it full screen, nor, as far as I know, for it to toggle pixels outside its window.

The pixel can be hard to see depending on your background colors and whether your screen is adjusted correctly (I could see the white, but not the black). But on XP Pro is still works.



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