On 5/14/2023 7:28 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Mon, 15 May 2023 at 09:22, Thomas Passin <li...@tompassin.net> wrote:
You made a little slam against Windows, but you will find it harder to
get things working on Linux.  Ubuntu, like many other Linux distros,
does not come with pip and Tk (needed for Idle) installed, and it's not
so obvious how to install them.

The assumption on Linux is usually that you know how to use your
system's package manager. And on Debian and Ubuntu specifically, it's
about as easy as you would want: "apt install idle". That'll pull in
everything you should need. I don't know about other distros but I
would expect that it's approximately as easy.

Maybe that's not obvious if you come from Windows, but I'd guess that
most desktop Linux users will have at least a passing familiarity with
their package manager, making this a perfectly obvious way to get new

Well, no, why would you assume that? I started to use Linux - in VMs - because I had to make sure that my cross-platform java/jython Tomcat program would work right on Linux. Why, for example, would I think to install Idle from the package manager when it, or things like that, were always in my experience installed with pip? For that matter, "sudo apt-get install pip" won't install pip. You need to use a different name, and it may or may not be different for different distros.

No, I came to use Linux they way I said, but I didn't find those things to be obvious. That's why I've started mentioning them on this list when it seems like they might be useful.

Furthermore, people have been having trouble getting certain PyQt programs working on Ubuntu 22.04 (and 20.xx before it) (yes, I know, not what the OP asked about). The solution is pretty non-obvious and requires a particular .so library file to be installed, if you can discover which one and how to do that. I mention this in support of what I said about a Windows Python user being likely to find things harder, not easier, on Linux.

And please, let's not start a flame war about this! I'm passing on what I've experienced, that's all. Yes, I know that there are some Python packages that need to be built and that usually works better on Linux. And I'll agree that some Python programs are snappier to load and run on Linux than on the same machine running Windows, even in a Linux VM guest.


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