I apologize in advance as this is not much of a Maya question but I am 
trying to convert this 'list' within nested dictionaries into a  dictionary 

I had a function where it ingests in a nested dictionary and allows me to 
sort the contents by a specified value eg. name.
This is a portion of it - 
return {k: {'entries': sorted([v1 for _,v1 in v['entries'].items()], key=
lambda el: el['name'])} for k,v in dict_data.items()}

However, possibly because I am using [] which returns me a list type.

What I am expecting in the output is something as follow:
{'my test':
        'entries': {
            'name': 'running_slow_v001'

but I am getting:
{'my test':
        'entries': [{
            'name': 'running_slow_v001'

I tried using `dict()` and tested the placement anywhere within the return 
sentence, it will returns me an error.
Appreciate in advance for any replies.

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