Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. I will start using this and hopefully be able to help.


On 12/22/10 4:50 AM, julien blanchard wrote:

I have just read the thread of Dave Cowden and I think that a project we're
working on might interest someone.

We have started the pycado
project which seems quite similar to what
you're looking for and to
It is based upon pythonocc and still in an early stage but it is working whith a
restricted number of features.

You'll find more information into the web page and feel free to download
the sources and ask us anything about the project.

We are now two developers and started the project on spring 2010 but we have not
been active for the last months due to lack of time. We would be
very insteresting in continuing the development with other people or to merge
with a similar project.

Julien Blanchard.

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