Hi all

>  * [OPTIONAL] If you are able to check any of the .asc,
>    .md5, and .sha256 files against the .zip, report any
>    difficulties that may have been encountered.

​Checked md5 and sha256. No problem.​ Assuming advanced users will be doing
this, they probably have the tools to check. Such tool is not included in
any program included in the Windows OS.

>  * If you performed the procedure, report
>     * the version of Microsoft Windows and the type of
>       account used (administrator or standard user).
>     * report whether the procedure succeeded
>     * if the procedure failed or met with difficulties,
>       please summarize the problems and how you over-
>       came any of them

​Tested under Windows 7 x64 SP1 using an admin account. Procedure was
successful. I would recommend to rename the file from dll.new to dll in the
unzip folder (step​ 16) and _after_ that copy it to \OpenOffice 4\program\
(step 15)
This allows the file to retain the date. If the file is renamed after
moving to \OpenOffice 4\program\ it will change date/time to the current
date/time.(Obviously the Created date is not modified but from a user
perspective that is not evident)
​Following the​ same logic, it would be wiser to copy tl.dll.old to the
patch folder (or any non-system folder) and if needed rename the file to
tl.dll _before_ copying to \OpenOffice 4\program\ when reverting the patch.

>  * [IMPORTANT] Identify any missing, incomplete or
>    confusing information in the README.  Describe what you
>    see as important improvements before making general
>    release of the procedure for use by non-expert users of
>    Apache OpenOffice on Windows.

​There are some typos (and a confusing sentence) in the readme file. Please
check the attached ODT (created with the patched AOO)​

Hope this helps,

Attachment: README-4.1.2-patch1-apply-Windows.txt_RecordedChanges.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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