On Wednesday 25 August 2010, Hollis Blanchard wrote:

> The problem seems to be that jump from /usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h to 
> asm/sigcontext.h inside <kerneldir> rather than inside /usr/include. It 
> seems like adding -Ikerneldir/arch/foo/include will always be a problem, 
> since it will always be used to satisfy "#include <asm/bar.h>". Only 
> files built with KVM_CFLAGS would be affected, and I guess vhost_net.c 
> accidentally gets into a broken include path where the other KVM_CFLAGS 
> files doesn't.
> I'm wondering why this isn't causing more problems for more people. My 
> host is Fedora 12, FWIW, but this doesn't seem like it could at all be 
> related to toolchain version, for example.

We only recently fixed the kernel to have this warning in types.h, which
triggers more often than kernel.h, where it used to be before. In 2.6.35
and before, you consequently would not have noticed the problem.


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