I'm not sure if that explains the family of bugs seen, but as those settings are a *integer* index in the list returned by QgsVectorFileWriter::supportedFormatExtensions() or QgsRasterFileWriter::supportedFormatExtensions() , they depend both on the QGIS list of known formats which may evolve over versions (not that frequent that said), and/or if the GDAL version changes and/or if drivers are enabled/disabled. It would be more robust to capture the extension as a string rather than an index.

And even capturing an extension is not super robust, as potentially several drivers could recognize the same extension

For example when using the ".xml" extension as a vector output, you'll probably be surprised that the obscure PDS4 vector driver (tabular data for planetary datasets) is used!

This is because:

$ ogrinfo --formats | grep xml | grep 'w'
  PDS4 -raster,vector- (rw+vs): NASA Planetary Data System 4 (*.xml)
  GML -vector- (rw+v): Geography Markup Language (GML) (*.gml, *.xml)
  Interlis 2 -vector- (rw+v): Interlis 2 (*.xtf, *.xml, *.ili)
  GMLAS -vector- (rwv): Geography Markup Language (GML) driven by application schemas (*.gml, *.xml)

whereas looking at QgsVectorFileWriterMetadataContainer , I strongly suspect that the intent was rather to use the GeoRSS driver for which QGIS registers a .xml extension (the GDAL GeoRSS driver doesn't advertize a particular file extension)

==> Those settings should actually be deprecated and replaced by others that save a GDAL driver name ... plus an extension, because the "MapInfo File" driver produces quite different output if you chose ".tab" or ".mif" (or the GeoJSONSeq driver that will use different separators if you select the ".geojsonl" or ".geojsons" extensions)


Le 26/02/2024 à 00:23, Nyall Dawson via QGIS-Developer a écrit :
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 at 08:58, Andrea Giudiceandrea via QGIS-Developer
<qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
Hi developers,
various QGIS users have reported during the latest months (mostly since
September 2023, and a couple also back in July 2023) on various channels
a strange issue which makes the GDAL processing algorithms to fail when
the temporary output is set.

Looking at the provided processing logs, it turns out that the issue is
due to the fact that the default output vector layer extension was set
to .xtf "Interlis 2" (instead of the default .gpkg "GeoPackage") or that
the default output raster layer extension was set to .nc "NetCDF"
(instead of the default .tif "GeoTIFF").

The weird think is that all the users affected by the issue have
reported that they had not deliberately changed these settings.
Hmm, I wonder if it's a plugin changing this setting. I've definitely
seen plugins before doing unfriendly things like this...

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