Hi all,

Il 26/02/2024 00:23, Nyall Dawson ha scritto:
> Hmm, I wonder if it's a plugin changing this setting. I've definitely
> seen plugins before doing unfriendly things like this...

I also suspected that a plugin may be involved, but I was unable to find a common plugin in all the reports.

Now it seems to me more likely that it may be the management of the settings, after seeing https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/53204 and https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/53458 precisely relating to the DefaultOutputRasterLayerExt and the DefaultOutputVectorLayerExt settings and the -1 index.

Il 26/02/2024 01:38, Even Rouault ha scritto:
> For example when using the ".xml" extension as a vector output, you'll
> probably be surprised that the obscure PDS4 vector driver (tabular data
> for planetary datasets) is used!

==> Those settings should actually be deprecated and replaced by others that save a GDAL driver name ... plus an extension, because the "MapInfo File" driver produces quite different output if you chose ".tab" or ".mif" (or the GeoJSONSeq driver that will use different separators if you select the ".geojsonl" or ".geojsons" extensions)

The problem occurs also when saving the algorithm output to a file, instead of a temporary output, and choosing an extension.

Best regards.

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