On  Sat, 20 Nov 2004 at 11:19:18, James Hunkins wrote:

>Hi Tony,
>Just trying to catch up - had taken a quick glance but wasn't quite
>clear on if you were asking for input on the form itself or wanting
>people to fill it in - now I understand.
>It would be a shame if this form was not used.  I had looked at the
>Quanta location and, believe me, with time constraints, I can't see
>myself or many others actually taking the time to print it, fill it in,
>and mailing it (especially from the States).  There is a reason why I
>use email and websites versus snail mail :)
>By the way, as to the form, the final line shows " Do you subscribe to
>the QL mailing list?  Yes No  (see" and then stops there.  See what?
You must have seen a version I was editing.
The form does not stop there....
>Also, how would someone submit this (a Submit button?).  Is this
>supposed to be an email submitted form or some other way.  If so, what
>about security (don't want the spammers to latch onto the address)?
It is a cgi generated page.
The submit button will be just that and nothing more.


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