Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> ===========

Nice work there. Much more reasonable than most things that have been
floating around lately.

> Marcel has pointed out on this list that the old PRTBUF device would
> be suitable, however I feel this is not the case since that can only
> send output to ser or par IIRC (?). And it can't start the job we'll
> come to later on.

I admit I've never used it (and I have neither the sources nor the
binary of it, only a library), but as a spooler driver, didn't it have
to start a job at some point?

> This however was felt to be too complicated for the poor end user
> who, some think, cannot be counted upon to remember to do this. Even
> though I'd have a tendancy to think that such an end user should be
> shot rather then receive an award for his behaviour,

lol, that made my day, thanks.


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