ÎÎÎ Sat, 11 Dec 2004 17:38:37 +0100,Î(Î) Marcel Kilgus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ÎÎÏÎÏÎ/wrote:

Rich Mellor wrote:
Why not just put the installation script and a link to Innosetup on a
website somewhere so anyone else that wants to do something similar with
QPC demo will not have to reinvent the wheel and will at least have
something to base their script on ....

Just to be clear here, although the demo is freely available from my web site this does not mean that you can do everything you want with it. I do however TOLERATE this as long as everything involved is non-commercial.

Absolutely and its gross neglect on my part that I never mentioned that in the first place... After we had created the demo it dawned on us that we really had no right to do so :-)
Marcel was very kind to let us use it, however it IS not for use of distribution of working software and his permission applies to only this and nothing else... If someone wants to use it at home for his own purpose I guess there's nothing anyone can do about it but distribution is definitely upon condition (So if anyone has any bright ideas like ours ;-) contact Marcel first to be on the safe side... it's the legal thing to do and also the RIGHT thing to do)

On the other hand I do intend to create a runtime version for
commercial purposes. And hopefully I manage to do this soon.

*please* :-)

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