On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 17:38:37 +0100, Marcel Kilgus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rich Mellor wrote:
Why not just put the installation script and a link to Innosetup on a
website somewhere so anyone else that wants to do something similar with
QPC demo will not have to reinvent the wheel and will at least have
something to base their script on ....

Just to be clear here, although the demo is freely available from my web site this does not mean that you can do everything you want with it. I do however TOLERATE this as long as everything involved is non-commercial.

OK noted thanks Marcel - we wouldn't want to issue it as a commercial program with the demo anyway...
It is just useful to be able to release a demonstration version of a QL program so that it can be downloaded and played via the internet in one easy step.

Hence, why the installation script is also a useful thing to have Pheobus.
We will of course need to include on the page where the link to the installation script appears - what do you want it to say Marcel:

"Please note that this script is intended for use with the demonstration version of QPC2 written by [link]Marcel Kilgus[/link]. The full version of QPC2 can be purchased from [link]Jochen Merz software[/link].

The use of the demonstration version of QPC2 is strictly limited to freely distributable software and cannot be used for commercial programs. If you want to distribute a copy of QPC2 with a commercial program, then you can obtain a runtime version of QPC2 from [link]Marcel Kilgus[/link]."

On the other hand I do intend to create a runtime version for commercial purposes. And hopefully I manage to do this soon.

Yes yes please..... Chomping at the bit...

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ


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