"Existential-grade" questions however are rarely on topic and since they
are "extra-ordinary" these could be ermm... explained a bit (of course
that would make them lose their point) but ermmm.... you know!

(I forgot what point I was trying to make here! :-D )


OK.. it was me guv'nor, I should have said -

"Philosophical theory emphasising the existence of the individual person as
a free and responsible agent determining his or her own development."
[Oxford Concise 1995]

when I actually said "existentialism".  ;-)

So here's another quote, with which I should like to be associated -

"I am always impressed by the quality of the contributions in English
from people for whom it is not their native language."  M. Cadman 2005

John in Wales
(Duffer at foriegn languages: never knows whither he is right)

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