Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

> > Why? As every Englishman knows, the advantage of English over other
> > languages is that it occurs completely naturaly in the brain.
> >
> "naturaly"
> <grin>

The spelling is acquired unnaturally. Take Gholti, pronounced {fish} (gh as
in laugh; o as in women; l is, of course, mute; and ti as in negotiate) and
you have English spelling in a nutshell. Im sure some wise Irish monks
sometime in the ninth century decided to spell Gholti as plain fish and save
the English from their worst excesses. They probably had an almighty row
with the traditionalists who then split off and founded a new community - in
France. Similar tendencies can be seen even today, in small communities,
where traditionalists and modernisers slog it out - only to vanish,
virtually without a trace.


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