ÎÎÎ Wed, 15 Dec 2004 17:24:31 +0100,Î(Î) FranÃois Van Emelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ÎÎÏÎÏÎ/wrote:

Phoebus Dokos wrote:
So apparently you have to open two different pipes (named as well) correct?

The manual of SMSQ/E says :'Unnamed pipes can't be opened with the SBASIC OPEN commands'.

In which case only the compiler can open them as default input/output channels (Turbo's 30,31 etc) and EXECUTE can redirect them... A problem like this shows just how much better planned and executed (as well as maintained) Turbo is... now if it could only generate 68020+ code :-)

Phoebus _______________________________________________ QL-Users Mailing List http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm

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