On 15 Dec 2004 at 17:24, François Van Emelen wrote:

> Phoebus Dokos wrote:
> >
> > So apparently you have to open two different pipes (named as well) correct?
> >
> > Phoebus
> Hi,
> The manual of SMSQ/E says :'Unnamed pipes can't be opened with the
> SBASIC OPEN commands'.
> I thought I had found a solution to Rich's problem, but it seems I am
> wrong 'see Rich's reply'.:(
Yes, the problem with pipes is that not every system has the named pipes of

Just a quick pointer.
I had the same problem for the Proforma filter - how do I pass the PCP the
pipe in a Qdos system.

The way I did this was to
1 - open the pipe
2 - get the channel ID of the pipe
(all of this is done withing the PFF device, so MC code, so pretty easy.

3 "add" the channel ID to the pipe name.(length of name 8, 'pipexxxx')

4 - Pass that name AS A STRING to the job.

5 - Write the extention OPIPE.
This take the pipexxxx name, remakes the xxxx part back into a channel ID,
uses that to open the pipe for input, makes an entry in the basic channel
table and returns an Sbasic channel number

eg chan%=opipe('pipexxxx')
then use chan as normal channel number.

This can be found as part of the PFF extensions.

All you need to to is the inverse function (called, for example, "pipename",)
open#4,pipe             : rem open pipe for output
this would return the name pipexxxx for the pipe.

Rich, you should be able to write that...

Hope this helps.


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