Thanks guys, will look at the suggestions shortly.

Wolfgang, while I have been following the printer stuff, I have not had a chance to dig into it enough or work out the Printer object in QDT far enough to say either way about PFF.

I am definitely hoping that it will either work as is or can be adapted a bit - will let you know.

Hopefully you are heading out for some holiday fun. If so, enjoy and happy holidays!


On Dec 18, 2004, at 12:05 AM, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

On 17 Dec 2004 at 11:55, James Hunkins wrote:

Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to execute a program with
EXEP through C68 (preferred) or assembly?  I already know about the
EXEC and FORK type commands but think that they basically use EXEC for
their calls?

I believe that Qascade and FileInfo2 both have dealt with this
question.  Are either of the authors on this list?

I need this ability to let the users in QDT run stuff from QPAC2 or
previously LRESPR'd programs such as QD or DATAdesign.

Have a look at the assembler source for the PFF device. There's a source file
called execth_asm.

You can jus adapt that.
I won't be able to do this for you before the new year, since I'll be away
till then, from tonight onwards.
If you have any trouble, contact me then.
(BTW you haven't told me whether the PFF device would be OK for your print



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