
i'm new to this group, i would like to here from you
if anyone is interested on new Games and if which kind of

I have some projects I my mind:

1.  an round based Fantasy Strategy Game

2.  an real time SF Strategy Game

3.  an Roleplaying Game based on Ropert Aspirins "Thiefs World"

4.  an Action Game (a conversion of my Game "the Buddha of Kraktoa" an
Ti 99/4A Game )

5.   an Game for Kids

Which of this Projects would you like to see going live for the QL ?

An football manager Game will be finished shortly (also an conversion
but this time on for Quick Basic), but there I would need a little help
to translate it for the UK based Player (I need tips to the different



PS: Sorry for my bad English

PSII: Are there any QL User in Germany left, of even an Club of QL
Partys ?
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