Am 10.08.2005 um 11:17 schrieb Marcel Kilgus:

Engstler Karsten wrote:

i'm new to this group, i would like to here from you if anyone is
interested on new Games and if which kind of game.

Hmm, not much feedback here as far as I see, summer season after all,
but they all sound like pretty much work.

Well, I think there is not much of a "gaming scene" on the QL, hm? But on the other hand, there are pretty much and quite interesting games out there, as far as I can tell from the magazines I got to read until now...
Which of this Projects would you like to see going live for the QL ?

Personally I prefer action games.

Me too. Arcade style. It doesn't have to be very complicated. I love platformers, space-shooters and puzzle games. Stylish, loud and colourful :-)

PSII: Are there any QL User in Germany left, of even an Club of QL
Partys ?

Well, I'm one from Germany. Located near Darmstadt.


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