In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ralf Reköndt 

>Hi Malcolm,
>I just know, how to do it in a clean way ;-). Just wait a bit and it is
>available to all. It would then have another level 1 config block....for the
>text colours. I would not use a pre-processing routine to circumvent the
>user to set the ink equal the paper color. Or I can also return the ink
>color via keyword for the program, so I can change the paper color, if both
>are equal, so the user can see something if he has went wrong. Unbelievable,
>what one has to look for ;-)).
>Cheers...Ralf R.

That is fine, Ralf.

All part of the learning process of a programmer ... :-)

>From: "Malcolm Cadman"
>It does already use a "config" file, which comes with the distribution
>..... so you may be right, unless Ralf has coded it in a way that is not
>so accessible.

Malcolm Cadman
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