>>> As I got it for nowt, I'm not too worried about replacing it - 
>>> especially as
>>> I intend to get one that is Linux compatible.
>> Is Linux able to drive those "control-code-less" Windows printers, or 
>> does Linux have the same sorts of problems that QL has with those?
> afaik, there are Linux printer drivers available for [some of] the 
> WinPrinters...there's a site [somewhere - got the url somewhere] which lists 
> which are compatabile (aka been reverse engineered/specs provided and 
> drivers written?) and which are not.

AFAIK all HP inkjets are Linux compatible. Their set up over USB is 
quicker and simpler than under windows. The only problem seems to be 
that for photo quality, they don't have the equivalent of photoRET 
(variable drop size), so you have to get the resolution by sheer force 
of dpi - which makes photo printing slower, (and generally slightly 
lower quality) than under Windows. For all other use, print quality and 
speed is as good under linux as it is under windows.
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