Roy Wood writes:

>>>>Yeah yeah ( 8 -)#
>>>>Mind you you are more right than you imagine.  There *is* a clock in the
>>>>office (free from Guinness) but the battery needs replacing (8-)#
>>> Does this mean that all of your other clocks have Guinness over them
>>> then? For someone who spend a lot of time correcting other people's
>>That should be "spends"
> Curses - undone by the speelchucker. Serves me right for making smug
> remarks. (I don't believe it was intentional on his part as he suggests
> though.)

Ive always found that ones most vulnerable when criticising others from a 
position of smugness. Lifes so unfair!

I think we may safely predict than anyone sending their QL to Tony for 
repair is unlikely to get it back free from Guinness!

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