P Witte wrote:
> I think we may safely predict than anyone sending their QL to Tony for 
> repair is unlikely to get it back free from Guinness!

They had an offer where you got a Guinness clock free after consuming a 
number of cans.  They built it up as if it was a work of art.  It was 
just an ordinary battery quartz (of course) with a printed logo.

It is permanently 9:40 as I can't be bothered to change the battery!  At 
least it means my QL repairs are always done on time!

.... and I *did* know it was ambiguous (Roy).  It was one of those nice 
ones that are good to leave just for the post-banter, like SMS T9 worng 
words (and that was intentionally left too!).

I sent a text from a bar in Madrid. This was the day before the QL 
'show' with Marcel and Jochen and one punter. I was eating a *real* 
paella with all sorts of interesting goodies, including little crabs. 
It proved impossible to find *any* meat and I reckon they were just 
there to look good.  I sent a text to a friend - we have got into the 
habit of texting from far-flung bars around the world - ".... I am 
fighting the arabs".

Just before carol singing at the Rex cinema in Berkhamsted last year, I 
sent a text to Janet (fellow singer) asking what time we were due, and 
she replied "Sex at 7:30" and realised only as it was being sent!

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://firshman.co.uk
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     TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
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