In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman 

>Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rich
>> Mellor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>> I would be interested in sourcing a new development of SGCs (must write to
>>> Stuart about this), but I do wonder how many people would still be willing
>>> to pay £200-£300 for a SGC nowadays.  Certainly with a need to make 50
>>> boards to make it worthwhile, I am not certain there would be a big enough
>>> market, especially with "only" 4MB RAM !
>>> Rich
>> I would guess that some of the parts for the Cards are either no longer
>> available, or not available at a reasonable cost.
>> Whereas an upgrade could use more recent and probably cheaper parts,
>> with more capacity too.  As well some new features.
>> Of course, this would involve a re-design of the circuit board.
>> Probably name it the EGC - Extreme Gold Card ... ?
>> 1GB or more flash RAM ... ? ... :-)

>Ah there are lots of things one could put on it.
>However I suspect the market does not exist for such a development.
>It would be great to be proved wrong.
>It need maybe 40 to 50 people willing to commit to spending maybe £300
>to £400 each.  I am happy to receive commitment emails, and then maybe
>it could be worth pursuing.  I doubt very much if Sturat is going to be
>interested. I doubt if Nasta has time.
>.. and I wonder if I have time as well!  All I could possibly do is
>design a pcb and build.  I have no expertise (or time) to design firmware.
>It is probably a pipedream!

Fun to speculate though ...

If a new Card could hit more like the £100 to £200 price range then I 
believe there would be an interest, and a market for it.

The "hook" would be in the new features to be made available.

The interest would be new hardware to be available.

At the London QL and Quanta Group meeting today, Dave Gilham was looking 
through a 1985 QL Magazine which had a QL system with a hard drive 
offered at £2000.  I wonder how many of those were sold ?

Malcolm Cadman
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