> It is ICT because it is Information Technology across the curriculum, 
> not just learning IT systems.
> We use applications that have a purpose, to produce work ... like 
> PhotoShop and PageMaker in Graphics.
> At present the software investment in programming is being put into PC 
> Applications.
Fair enough.  Do you teach ICT then? Snap, although I am a part-time
lecturer on loan from business!!! At the local college at which I teach
they insist on calling it Information Communications Technology . . .
hence the ICT. However, the function of ICT in a educational environment
is no different from IT in a business environment . . . they are both
using technology to achieve a purpose.

I have no problem with software investment going into PC applications.
What I find disappointing is that in many schools/colleges it is purely
a Microsoft environment and that students have no concept of the history
and development of ICT.  That, in my view, is a real shame.  Even in
programming, the concentration seems to be totally on Visual Basic -
with all the bad habits that gives us - without considering the huge
variety of better cross-platform languages.  Oh well, that's life, I guess!

>> One of the most interesting comments was how "cool" the QL  looked . . .
>> it seems that well-designed retro is in!!!!
> Yes, the industrial design for Sinclair was "cool" at the time, and won 
> many awards.  It still remains cool.

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