
I'm able to do the hardware side, but my area is really in the
software. If you were able to knock up some kind of interface between
the superHermes (which I have) and the USBWiz I'm prepared to put in
the time to look at the software.

As I'd do this work on an Aurora QL, the ideal "prototype" for me
would be something I could just plug into one of the 9 pin D
connectors on the superHermes-enhanced standard serial ports, but if
it needs to be connected straight to the SH inside the case that's no
problem. It doesn't *sound* like a huge job but, as we know, there's
always something... :(

For me, the first step in the software would be to knock up a simple
"Development Workbench" application that would send commands to the
USBWiz and display the responses. From there, I'd need to develop some
kind of QDOS API. Then, if that all worked, my next step would be to
modify the QUBIDE source to invoke the USBWiz API.

It all sounds so easy when put like that, but I haven't even looked at
the QUBIDE sources yet to see the extent of the task. I'm also
starting to think of things like getting the drive characteristics and
whether the USBWiz has direct block/sector access or is just a high
level file-oriented interface. If the latter, it might be possible to
use a virtual filing system in a container file. Anyway, I'll start
looking at the QUBIDE stuff over the weekend.

So, if you're interested in collaborating on a prototype, I'm up for
it. My idea would be to do this with as much reuse and as little
bespoke hardware development as possible. That probably makes
superHermes a prerequisite, as developing a ROM port card, or
something for the expansion bus would likely be prohibitively



On Thursday, October 29, 2009, 7:47:25 AM, you wrote:

TF> Indeed.  It seemed at a very quick look in the manual, thta they had
TF> made the serial communication *vry* straightforward.

TF> The only obvious silly aspect of the hardware design is that there is 
TF> serial but no RS232 voltages.
TF> It needs a Maxim style chip. superHermes uses such a chip. It would need
TF> to use the QLs +-12v as well.
TF> Mind you I got away with using TTL using a Diablo daisy wheel terminal
TF> with a QL, way back in 1985 or so.
TF> I think '-12' works at anything less than .2v or so.
TF> That was out only though and very slow baud rate of 300.
TF> To get 460800 is a totally different game (8-)#

TF> You are very welcome to have my two USBwiz, or are you a software man only?
TF> I guess if someone was looking at the software I might find time to make
TF> up a circuit.

TF> Tony

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