In message <>, Tony Firshman <> writes


I did look at the USBWiz when you alerted us all to the hardware.

Great that some discussion on this list may lead to a potential project for hardware and software, in collaboration with the two of you.

Good luck with it !

Adrian D. Ives wrote, On 29/10/09 08:59:

I'm able to do the hardware side, but my area is really in the
software. If you were able to knock up some kind of interface between
the superHermes (which I have) and the USBWiz I'm prepared to put in
the time to look at the software.

As I'd do this work on an Aurora QL, the ideal "prototype" for me
would be something I could just plug into one of the 9 pin D
connectors on the superHermes-enhanced standard serial ports, but if
it needs to be connected straight to the SH inside the case that's no
problem. It doesn't *sound* like a huge job but, as we know, there's
always something... :(

Malcolm Cadman
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