this is where my method qpc_exec "" comes in handy - It will just show
you where qpc was started from - regardless of drive mapping.

This an excellent idea which certainly works. I have never used QPC_EXEC before.

QPC_EXEC can be used to start many PC programs, without having to exit QPC and so on.

Have a look at my article "Taking advantage of Windows" in QL Toady v13 issue 1 page 41 - shows how to make good use of QPC_EXEC to start Windows programs from within QPC. You can even define HOT_CMD hotkeys with QPC_EXEC commands to start PC programs using QL hotkeys!

I find this really useful for little jobs I can't (yet) do from QPC, like firing up Windows Media Player to play my favourite MP3 music files, for example. Most Windows programs have command line switch facilities so you can pass filenames to them and so on.

QPC_EXEC "wmplayer.exe","path_filename.mp3"

Need to browse a particular website (plug plug!):

QPC_EXEC "c:\program files\windows explorer\iexplore.exe","http:\\\index.html"

The more you start to play with QPC_EXEC the more you realise you can achieve!

Your project now is to write a little QL program to control your PC!

Dilwyn Jones

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