Dilwyn Jones wrote:
I wonder if Urs König happens to have a copy in his archive
of old Sinclair stuff?
Even I know many software and documentation Chas Dillon was involved with, I have never heard of this one. I searched my pile of QL files for *archiv*doc all I found are two documents archive1_doc (66 pages) and archive2_doc (110 pages). They are part of the QL-PD CD-R. I could not find an author listed in those documents, so it could be Chas work or not. Alf and Dilwyn could
check the content and state if it's what was seeked for.
No I'm afraid it's not.

Those are the main Xchange Archive documents. Although they are quite useful in their own right!

I'll see if I can get in touch with Simon, though. I don't think he's on this list.

Dilwyn Jones

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