Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 05/11/2010 18:16:
Got a fixed dynamo myself - you never know when some beautiful girl
might temp you to stay out late to help her with her QLing, with or
without spaces in your output.
What - to check out your Hardware, John? ;-)

Remember the QL Today cartoon, where two girls were talking and one
exclaimed that "When he invited me back to his place to see his
hardware, I didn't realise he meant his QL, his Aurora, etc etc)

And I think there was once a picture in IQLR of Tony (as editor Bob Dyl
put it): "Oops, Tony Firshman caught dangling his Minerva Mk2 in
public!" :-))))
Which I think allows me to say "Tony Firshman does it with his Minerva Mk2"

And, I thought, "Tony does it in 'sheds'" or is that too obvious?!
Yes, very good...how many sheds does he have by now ???


.... and I think my dangling Minerva in public is a fertile imagination on someone's part. I don't remember seeing that picture.

It was a really sad end to IQLR. Bob closed the publication just after he had received advanced payment for my year's ads (and others I think).
He must have been in real trouble.  Has anyone heard from him since?

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
       t...@firshman.co.uk     http://firshman.co.uk
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    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
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