On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Norman Dunbar <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>wrote:

> > Question 14*Can you program in Assembly Language?* Yes  32
> >  44%  No  40
> >  56%
> As I thought, only George and I read my articles on QL Assembly
> Language! ;-(

You read your own articles? Isn't that like laughing at your own jokes? :P

> > 4340156 do not no, never seen it but people seem to refer to it as ql
> toady
> > which implies its full of mistakes
> This is a joke right? Complaining about mistakes with this grammar! ;-)
> (That was a joke too!)
> The reason for calling it QL Toady is not because it is full of
> mistakes, but someone spelt (spelled? Tony which is correct?) it
> incorrectly once and it stuck as it is somewhat amusing.
> I can see where this is coming from though, The Guardian often has
> spelling mistakes and is known as The Gruniard.
> Mmmm. Very interesting point this person has brought up - should we stop
> calling it QL Toady? We could be sending out the wrong signals.

I have never seen a typo in QL Today. But then, the headline on my last copy
was "Q60 released!" QL Today and Quanta are both in the modern struggle to
stay relevant when the internet is a more immediate information source. They
can't get by just by providing "news" any more. Quanta does have the
advantage of being a club and having many other services.

That said, it becomes more important than ever for both to be accessible,
informative and a resource.

I'd start by putting every past issue of their magazines on their respective
websites in a password protected area, and publish the password in the
current magazine. Change the password once a year. Next, I'd start properly
maintaining the websites to be current and to have local content. I'd get
the local clubs to appoint a "publicity" person to get the local club news
to the national site organizer promptly.

Finally, I'd do things like this survey, and share the results, then try to
act on them by addressing failings of the community like lack of new
hardware and software...

Also, how about an annual "award ceremony" for best new h/w, software,
utility, lifetime achievement awards - so we can all pat ourselves on the
back? *grins* Heck, I might even go to England for that.

But that's what I would do. I'm not Quanta or QL Toady. :)

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