Adrian Ives wrote, on 20/Apr/11 13:02 | Apr20:

I'm a little bit surprised by your comment that I am misusing slave blocks.
Obviously the authors of the original QUBIDE driver, on which Ser-USB was
based, were also misusing them!!!  Like them, I use the slave blocks to keep
mirrors of the data on the drive in memory to save having to re-read it.
(Which, I think is what you then go on to say)  In fact, I have barely
changed the slave block handling code from QUBIDE - I'm certainly not using
them for any other purpose.

Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by the statement "The driver
doesn't even get told about that."  QDOS calls the Forced Slaving vector and
tells the driver to dispose of a slave block ... and that's where I have had
a lot of problems.

..... but the qubide driver is not original. Phil Borman based it on the Rebel disk code. Qubide got away with it, I presume, as it cannot be run on a non-expanded QL, so there was plenty of memory for slave blocks.


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