Rich Mellor wrote:
On 12/04/2011 22:04, Adrian Ives wrote:

2) Yes, input; but the USBWiz can't do split baud rates and it isn't easy to do split rates on a standard QL without additional hardware and/or software. The input limitation is two stops at 9600. The USBWiz only sends one so it
doesn't work. Therefore  4800 is the top speed.
Hermes (as well as SuperHermes) cures this to some extent, allowing different baud rates for ser1 / ser2 input (as well as being different to the output baud rate).

Hermes also supports just one stop bit at 9600 baud.

The handshaking on serial input is also improved with Hermes, which would probably overcome the loss of characters you reported on standard QL hardware.

Minerva provides the ability to have different output baud rates on ser1 and ser2 also.

Just to explain...

The original 8049 code used a buffer for serial data, with pointers to the next byte available, the next free space, AND a count of bytes in the buffer. It updated these three independently, which is insane, and could end up with them getting out of step with one another. There would be a byte, or bytes, in the buffer, but the counter said they were not there. No driver code in the 68K could EVER correct for this.

At the time, various people (myself included) were getting into the "Bulletin Board" thing - and serial ports that were unusable after 4800 baud just weren't acceptable. Enter Hermes - a rewrite of the 8049 code from scratch.

Lau AS! d-(!) a++ c++++ p++ t+ f-- e++ h+ r--(+) n++(*) i++ P- m++
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