QL Unzip Workarounds

For those having problems with the self-extract version of Unzip on both 
Jonathan Hudson’s page and my Archivers page, I’ve created a couple of 

First, I’ve added a zipped version of Unzip 5.41 for the QL. If you already 
have an earlier version of QL Unzip, you can use this to unzip it to update.

Second, I’ve created a program called JOB2BAS which can convert a QL executable 
job program file to a S*BASIC program as DATA statements, along with a few 
lines of BASIC to decode it on the target system. This allows job files to be 
sent through Windows etc since S*BASIC programs are not affected by the loss of 
QL file headers. Simply running the created S*BASIC program on the target 
system recreates the job file.

JOB2BAS is offered as a beta test version. It seems to work on my system, but 
obviously I would be glad to hear of any problems anyone might find with it.

For those who don’t already have a copy of QL Unzip, I’ve also added copies of 
Unzip 5.32 and Unzip 5.41 as S*BASIC programs on the same page. To make a copy 
of Unzip just run unzip532_bas or unzip541_bas and it will SEXEC a copy of 
Unzip on that system. Enough to get you going without having to fight with the 
self-extract version which seems to have problems on modern systems with level 
2 file systems.

Unzip 5.41 will give a warning message about missing Signal Extensions on some 
QL and emulator systems. This is just a warning and can be ignored – the 
program will work with or without them.If the warning makes you uncomfortable, 
use the 5.32 versions which don’t do this.


Dilwyn Jones
QL-Users Mailing List

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