This proved to be a harder nut to crack than I thought. All my efforts
far have yielded similar results. I don't have Open Office installed,
whatever I do with M$ Works causes the same "scrambled layout".

I'm wondering if it is the docx extension/format that is causing you grief.
Does your version of Office allow you to save files as old-style doc?
Yes, the file concerned is a .doc (which seems to load OK in M$ Office 2003). The problem comes when other programs which claim Office compatibility try to load it. Albeit the original was a .docx file, which I saved as a .doc file.

Problem was I think that the calendar was created using a Calendar wizard so I have no real control over how it generates the layout. I'm sure I'll find a way to simplify it, but I have had the odd problem like this in the past which took me a while to sort out.

Anyway, too much non-QL talk (even though the QaLendar is something for QL users).

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