> I got a Kindle v4 for Christmas from the wife, I am now busy convertng
> all the QL documentation to be read on the Kindle with Calibre.
> Derek

If anyone is interested I have already converted these manuals to Kindle

Complete C68 Documentation
QL Service Manual
QL Toolkit 2
QL Turbo Manual
QL TURBO Quick Reference Guide
QL Turbo Toolkit User Manual

If there is demand, I will post a link.

That would be great, especially if both of you can work together to ensure the free release where possible of these documents!

I'd be happy to make space available on my website if required.

Personally, I don't have a Kindle, but an App on the Android tablet can read such files. Being a cheapie oriental design, I get locked out of the Amazon Kindle and Goodle Android Market, but by downloading them to the PC and copying them to the micro SD card I could get them on the tablet. In theory, it's possible to reflash the OS on these to get access to the English market places, but I'm not confident enough yet to try that.

Anyway, I have no doubt that as I get used to the tablet PC, I'll eventually get a better unit once I've learned more about them.

I'm sure there'll be demand as more and more of us start using such devices, it'd be really great to have all the QL documentation on one of these devices rather than filling up a bookcase!

If anyone wants me to help in any way please get in touch with me privately to discuss.

Dilwyn Jones
QL-Users Mailing List

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