Dilwyn said -

".... but as usual the north west of Wales always seems
to be last to get anything, way behind the M4 corridor and north east

But just think Dilwyn, if you didn't have people (like me) in north East
Wales, you in the west would be next door to England yourselves.  There have
to be some compensations for us!  ;-)

(Not to mention the Distant Dunbar Duchy.)

Here's hoping you soon get an improved service.
Billy mentioned -

"...an intermittent drop out,"
I've had that - see my improved service at the head of this thread.  I since
changed my exchange line setting to 'interleaved' and - so far - that seems
to have helped.

During this (unannounced and since) undeclared upgrade, BT surreptitiously
changed my setting to 'non-interleaved' behind my back. :(

I don't have to explain how all this has to do with QLing do I?!

Best wishes,

John in Wales

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