Norman Dunbar wrote, on 8/Oct/12 14:40 | Oct8:
On 29/09/12 18:42, QL-MyLink (f/fh) wrote:

(Not to mention the Distant Dunbar Duchy.)
Duchy? Kingdom, surely? ;-)

Just checked by "up to 60" Virgin speed - I'm getting 57-58 at the
moment. Which is fine for allowing me to work from my own office, plus
running all the Oracle downloads I need to do each time there's a new
patch out. You used to get a patch kit with changes to be applied, now
you get a full installation kit which is a DVD sized download, or
bigger, depending on "stuff".

There was an item on the Radio 4 news the other day about broadband
speeds and it seems that it is now a limiting factor on selling or
buying a house.
Indeed it is.
A Worldnews colleague just pulled out of a house purchase as it *only* had slow boradband.

It used to be schools, buses, railways etc, now it's broadband, schools,
buses, railways etc.


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