George Gwilt wrote, on 19/Oct/12 17:10 | Oct19:

Geirge (sic)/

On 19 Oct 2012, at 12:48, Geoff Wicks wrote:

The Quanta site has been down for at least 2 days. Has Quanta closed down?


QL-Users Mailing List

I think the website has been deliberately taken down. It was no longer 
available from the day of the committee meeting held to discuss it. I hope it 
is only temporary.

There was nothing wrong with the site as such other than that it was not kept 
up to date. If all the committee, including the officers, pulled their weight 
it would not be a difficult job.

To my mind there are four areas to keep up to date:

1: News. This is already happening so no problem there.

2: Shows information. When the site was taken down it was still advertising the 
Austrian show held 3 months previously. It should not be difficult to keep show 
information up to date as there are only two or three shows per year.

3: Quanta Magazine. This is the most difficult part, but would only need 
updating 6 times a year.

4: Quanta News. This would be a new area in which the officers should keep the 
members up to date on Quanta developments. Up to now Quanta has regarded the 
magazine as being the first source of information for the members. This should 
now become the web.

There is also the question of the members' area. You have made constructive 
suggestions that Quanta should consider,

Ah QUANTA is back!!


   ^----- Seems you aren't though (8-)#

Tiny (sic)

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