Popular Computing Weekly magazine ordered one on the day they were announced
(probably while they were at the press office). Although they didn't get one
of the first 80-odd (the hand delivered ones?), they did get an "FB" ROMmed

I've just picked up a bunch of old PCW mags which document from launch to
arrival (I don't actually have the official report of the launch
unfortunately); if anyone is interested in the articles, I can scan them &
put them on a website.

I guess what I'm most surprised to have forgotten (although, in  my defence,
on January 12th 1984 I was in fact only 10 years old), is just how MUCH
excitement the QL announcement created - and just how much disappointment
the long long delays caused. 

You have to wonder if - had Sinclair waited 3 months (and hence lost out on
announcing the world's first sub-£1000 (let alone sub-£500) 32-bit computer)
- whether the QL would have had the same massive excitement and, being a
fully working machine by now, have REALLY set the world on fire, instead of
being comparatively restricted to those of us who saw a bloody clever thing
when we saw it... (in fairness... it was my Dad who spotted its potential,
I'd have probably been happy with anything that called itself a computer...)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com 
> [mailto:ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com] On Behalf Of Urs Koenig (QL)
> Sent: 12 January 2013 17:32
> To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
> Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Today.
> Gerhard Plavec wrote:
> > As I remember, after that, QL was not available for a long time...
> > Do you know - just for fun - when the first QLs were puchased to 
> > "normal people" and when the first Apple Macintosh were ?
> Yes, first customers had to wait a long time for their QLs to arrive.
> Reference http://www.qlvsjaguar.homepage.bluewin.ch/QLchronology.html:
> "End of April 1984 the first batch of 89 QL's were shipped to 
> customers by car (SST)."
> During May and June 1984 the backlog was reduced and towards 
> autumn enough working QLs were available resulting in High 
> Street stores stocking the QL.
> IIRC the original Apple Macintosh (128K) was available the 
> day after its launch!
> Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_128K)writes:
> "The sales of the Macintosh were strong from its initial 
> release and reached 70,000 units on May 3, 1984."
> Grüsse aus Luzern, Urs
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