Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> the recent discussion about a window that pops up when the pointer is at
> the bottom of the screen prompted me to write a small "dock" application
> that pops up when the pointer is at the bottom of the screen.
> Moving the pointer up again will hide it again. Hit ESC to quit.

Looks cool.

> 230   sprites_dir$="nfa1_" : REMark directory where the sprites are located

If only there was a way to automatically determine in which directory
something was executed... oh wait, there is! And it was you who
implemented it ;)

> 190   ysize%=90        : REMark y size of wdw
> 280   trigger%=100      : REMark  distance, in pixels, from the bottom of the 
> screen that will cause the wdw to pop up.
> 840   ylim%=SCR_YLIM-ysize%
> 880      IF yabs%<ylim%:EXIT lp%   : REMark ptr moved out of wdw
> 1030      IF yabs%>SCR_YLIM-trigger%:EXIT lp%        : REMark pointer is in 
> lower part of wdw

This means that between 90 and 100 pixels from the bottom the thing
will constantly flicker (pop up and vanish). Isn't trigger% meant to
be more like 10 or something?

Cheers, Marcel

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